Reception meaning in malayalam

Word: Reception

Meanings of Reception in malayalam :

Kyppattal‍ (കൈപ്പറ്റല്‍)
Ethirel‍pu (എതിരേല്‍പ്‌) Opheesukalile Sandar‍shakare Sveekarikkunna Itam (ഓഫീസുകളിലെ സന്ദര്‍ശകരെ സ്വീകരിക്കുന്ന ഇടം) Sathkaaram (സത്കാരം) Noun Sveekaranam (സ്വീകരണം) Prathigrahanam (പ്രതിഗ്രഹണം) Amgeekaaram (അംഗീകാരം) Sveekaaram (സ്വീകാരം) Aathithyeaapakachaaram (ആതിഥ്യോപകചാരം) Svaagatham (സ്വാഗതം) Ethirel‍ppu (എതിരേല്‍പ്പ്‌) Ethirel‍ppu (എതിരേല്‍പ്പ്)
Reception definition
the manner in which something is greeted
Ex: she did not expect the cold reception she received from her superiors
a formal party of people; as after a wedding
(telecommunications) quality or fidelity of a received broadcast
the act of receiving
(American football) the act of catching a pass in football
Ex: the tight end made a great reception on the 20 yard line
Related definition of Reception

Aanandanam Friendly Reception V1 .

Kulatthengaa , Kulamaanga , Kulavaazha Etc . Fruit-clusters Suspended In Streets For The Reception Of Rājas Etc .

I . Thalam Taḷam 1 . S . Thatam , Thalam . A Flat Pavement , Low Plain Kvachil‍ Tha . Ketti Ilakaathe Jalam KR . ; Vellam Nilkkannatha . VyM . ; Katthalam & Thalakkallu ; Kottatthalam . 2 . A Scaffold , Loft V1 . , A Hall Mannavan‍ Than‍re Thalatthil‍ Karerinaan‍ RC . Palace . The Verandah Surrounding A Courtyard Within The Walls Of A Native House , Ki Zhakkina — , Vatakkina — , Thekkina — , Pati Njaararatthalam . Puranthalam Or Munthalam The Outer Eastern Verandah , Place Of Reception . Puratthalam Thannil‍ninnu Vannu SG . Thalam Ittirikka Of Mosaic .

Related wordsReception - Sveekaranam (സ്വീകരണം) Receptionist - Sanar‍shakare Sveekarikkaan‍ Niyukthamaayittulla Aal‍ (സനര്‍ശകരെ സ്വീകരിക്കാന്‍ നിയുക്തമായിട്ടുള്ള ആള്‍)
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