Revolve meaning in malayalam

Word: Revolve

Meanings of Revolve in malayalam :

Karakkuka (കറക്കുക)
Verb Karanguka (കറങ്ങുക) Chuttitthiriyuka (ചുറ്റിത്തിരിയുക) Chuttuka (ചുറ്റുക) Thiriyuka (തിരിയുക) Uruluka (ഉരുളുക) Chakram Peaale Gamikkuka (ചക്രം പോലെ ഗമിക്കുക) Chinthanam Cheyyuka (ചിന്തനം ചെയ്യുക) Pradakshinam Cheyyuka (പ്രദക്ഷിണം ചെയ്യുക) Vattamituka (വട്ടമിടുക) Parichinthikkuka (പരിചിന്തിക്കുക) Svayam Karanguka (സ്വയം കറങ്ങുക)
Revolve definition
move in an orbit, as of celestial bodies
Ex: 4 The moon orbits around the Earth
turn on or around an axis or a center
Ex: The Earth revolves around the Sun
to rotate or cause to rotate
Ex: 4 The child rolled down the hill
Related definition of Revolve

A . 'nikka To Be Attentive , Learn By Heart , Revolve .

Aashrayam āšrayam S . (shri) 1 . Support , To What One Leans , Refuge , Aa . Illaathavar‍kku Ee Shvaran‍ Aa . . Prov . Mud . Aa . Avar‍kku Enthu AR . How Are They To Help Themselves? Jyothir‍gga Nangal‍ Ellaattinnum Aa . Dhruvan‍ Bhg . The Centre Round Which The Stars Revolve , Axis = Thirikkutti . 2 Protection & Reliance Raajaa Vu Ennallaathe Mattu Aa . Avar‍kkilla KR . They Rely Altogether On The King . Kunpanjiyil‍ Aa' Maayi Nilkka TR . To Stand Under The Government Of The HC . Raajaavin‍re Aa . Piticchu Purame Sancharikkunnu TR . To Remain Abroad Under The Rāja's Protection . Palarum Kunpanji Aa . Pi Ticchu Panthalil‍ Vannu TR . Resorted To The Harbour Under The HC . 's Protection . 3 . Any Dependence Or Relation , Also Adj . Aa Mar‍mmam Da Nthaashrayamaayi MM . That Vital Spot Is Near The Teeth ; Most Of The Mar‍mmam Are Asthiaashraya Ngal‍ Etc . Baahujanu Kar‍mmaashrayam Thanne Ullu Bhr . The Cshatrias' Business Is Action .

Uruluka , Ndu N . V . To Roll (as Thoni) , Toss , Revolve . Panikka൪ Veenaalum Randurulum Prov . Kitannurundaar‍ CC . Playing Boys . Uru Ndu Poyi Rolled In The Dust . Urundu Pira Ndu Poyi Kalaka V2 . To Fly For Life , Tumble Off Anyhow . Aanandamagnanaayi Veenuru Ndaa൯ AR .

Related wordsRevolve - Karanguka (കറങ്ങുക) Revolver - Kyttheaakku (കൈത്തോക്ക്‌)
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