Rumple meaning in malayalam

Word: Rumple

Meanings of Rumple in malayalam :

Noun Matakku (മടക്ക്‌)
Chulivu (ചുളിവ്‌) Njeaarivu (ഞൊറിവ്‌) Verb Njeaariyuka (ഞൊറിയുക) Chulikkuka (ചുളിക്കുക) Chulunguka (ചുളുങ്ങുക)
Rumple definition
Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 31223
to gather something into small wrinkles or folds
Ex: She puckered her lips
disturb the smoothness of
Ex: ruffle the surface of the water
become wrinkled or crumpled or creased
Ex: This fabric won' t wrinkle
Related wordsRumple - Njeaariyuka (ഞൊറിയുക) Rumpled - Chulivu Veena (ചുളിവു വീണ)
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