Smoking meaning in malayalam

Word: Smoking

Meanings of Smoking in malayalam :

Adjective Pukayunna (പുകയുന്ന)
Pukavalikkunna (പുകവലിക്കുന്ന) Noun Pukavali (പുകവലി) Dhoomapaanam (ധൂമപാനം)
Smoking definition
(biology) the act of smoking tobacco or other substances
Ex: he went outside for a smoke
(chemistry) a hot vapor containing fine particles of carbon being produced by combustion
Ex: the fire produced a tower of black smoke that could be seen for miles
emitting smoke in great volume
Ex: a smoking fireplace
Related definition of Smoking

II . Kutukuta 5 . (gutu) Onomatop . Descriptive Of Guggling , Rumbling Noise . Ku . Olikkum Chora Ch Vr . Chori Ku . Kkutittharakkar‍ RC . Kutukute Kkuticchu Bhr . Chora Athrayum Kutukutukkane Ku Ticchu Arb . Kutukuta Nilavilicchu Kaalaal‍ Bhr . — Noise In Smoking A Hooka , Emptyin G A Bottle ; Rattling Noise . Kutukutina Chaathra Pay . — Kutuku Tuppaanpu MC . Rattlesnake .

Chunka H . Deccan . Čunga (sucking) A Smoking Pipe , Hooka , Chu . Valikka To Smoke It .

VN . I . Moottam (1) Smoking Out The Musquitoes V1 . II . Moottal‍ (2) Stitching .

Related wordsSmoking - Pukayunna (പുകയുന്ന) Smoking tobacco - Dhoomapaanam (ധൂമപാനം)
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