Stocks meaning in malayalam

Word: Stocks

Meanings of Stocks in malayalam :

Noun Vilangu (വിലങ്ങ്‌)
Sar‍kkaar‍ Katappathrangal‍ (സര്‍ക്കാര്‍ കടപ്പത്രങ്ങള്‍) Peaathudhanam (പൊതുധനം)
Stocks definition
Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 5252
a wooden instrument of punishment on a post with holes for the neck and hands; offenders were locked in and so exposed to public scorn
Related definition of Stocks

Aamam āmam . S . 1 . (G . 'ōmos) Raw , Undressed , Undigested . Aamaashayam Stomach (opp . Pakvaa Shayam) . 2 . Sickness , Chiefly Slimy Stools . Aa Majvaram Diarrhœa With Fever . 3 . M . Stocks For Hands & Feet Thatutthu Kondupoyi Aama Tthil‍ Ittu TR . (= Tholam) .

Thozhu To/?/u (T . Stocks , Orig . "folding" = Thotu?) 1 . A Bored Piece Of Wood (see Thulaam) , V1 . A Stick To Tie Dogs With . 2 . Thozhuky Joining Two Hands = Anjjali , As Thozhukayyotum RC . ; So . The Juncture Of Two Leaves . 3 . = Thozhutthu A Stable Thozhukkoottil‍ Pukku PP .

Tholam Tōḷam (C . A Wolf ; See Thozhu) The Stocks = Aamam F . I . Chaavatiyil‍ Tholatthil‍ Ittu , — L‍ Thatutthu , Tho'lum Kaavalilum Aakki TR .

Related wordsStocks - Vilangu (വിലങ്ങ്‌)
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