Trenchant meaning in malayalam

Word: Trenchant

Meanings of Trenchant in malayalam :

Adjective Moor‍cchayulla (മൂര്‍ച്ചയുള്ള)
Mar‍mmabhedakamaaya (മര്‍മ്മഭേദകമായ) Theekshanamaaya (തീക്ഷണമായ) Theekshnamaaya (തീക്ഷ്‌ണമായ) Theevramaaya (തീവ്രമായ)
Trenchant definition
characterized by or full of force and vigor
Ex: a hard-hitting expose
having keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought, expression, or intellect
Ex: searching insights
characterized by or full of force and vigor
Ex: a hard-hitting expose
clearly or sharply defined to the mind
Ex: clear-cut evidence of tampering
Related wordsTrenchant - Moor‍cchayulla (മൂര്‍ച്ചയുള്ള)
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