Twins meaning in malayalam

Word: Twins

Meanings of Twins in malayalam :

Noun Irattakal‍ (ഇരട്ടകള്‍)
Twins definition
(mineralogy) two interwoven crystals that are mirror images on each other
(astronomy) the third sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from May 21 to June 20
Related definition of Twins

Iratta Iraṭṭa T . M . (irandu , Iru) 1 . Double . Iratta Peruka , Iratta Kuttikal‍ Twins . Irattappa Llu Grinders MC . Iratta Vaal‍ Two Edged V1 . Ma Ram Irattayaayi CG . Irattayatakka 2 Betelnuts Grown Together . — Irattatthalacchi The Paradise Flycatcher MC . (= Kondalaatthi) — Irattattha Layan‍ Paanpu A Certain Viper . 2 . Odd (= Yu Gmam) Orarayo Irattayo V1 . Irattappettathu Gan .

Thiranpu Pitikka (loc . ) Superstitious Method Of Healing Cramps In The Extremities , By Stroking Twins ; So Thi . Ottuka Through Mantram .

Puthradvayam Twins Perarithu Pu . AR .

Related wordsTwins - Irattakal‍ (ഇരട്ടകള്‍)
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