Underground meaning in malayalam

Word: Underground

Meanings of Underground in malayalam :

Bhoomikkatiyil‍ (ഭൂമിക്കടിയില്‍)
Olivil‍ (ഒളിവില്‍) Rahasyamaaya (രഹസ്യമായ) Adjective Bhoogar‍bhatthilulla (ഭൂഗര്‍ഭത്തിലുള്ള) Olivilulla (ഒളിവിലുള്ള) Bhoomiyute Atiyilulla (ഭൂമിയുടെ അടിയിലുള്ള) Bhaumaanthar‍ggathamaaya (ഭൗമാന്തര്‍ഗ്ഗതമായ) Gupthamaayi (ഗുപ്‌തമായി) Adverb Olivilaayi (ഒളിവിലായി)
Underground definition
(politics) a secret group organized to overthrow a government or occupation force
(transportation,business) electric underground railway
under the level of the ground
Ex: belowground storage areas
conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods
Ex: clandestine intelligence operations
(military) used of independent armed resistance forces
Ex: guerrilla warfare
beneath the surface of the earth
Ex: water flowing underground
in or into hiding or secret operation
Ex: the organization was driven underground
Related wordsUnderground - Bhoomikkatiyil‍ (ഭൂമിക്കടിയില്‍) Underground cell - Nilayara (നിലയറ)
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