Venturesome meaning in malayalam

Word: Venturesome

Meanings of Venturesome in malayalam :

Thuninjirangiya (തുനിഞ്ഞിറങ്ങിയ)
Koosalillaattha (കൂസലില്ലാത്ത) Aapathkaramaaya (ആപത്കരമായ) Adjective Saahasika Samrabhamaaya (സാഹസിക സംരഭമായ) Cheyyaan‍ Dhyryappetunnathaaya (ചെയ്യാന്‍ ധൈര്യപ്പെടുന്നതായ) Saahasiyaaya (സാഹസിയായ) Chankoottamulla (ചങ്കൂറ്റമുള്ള)
Venturesome definition
willing to try new things and take risks
Ex: there is a new venturesome spirit among young people today
involving risk or danger
Ex: skydiving is a hazardous sport
disposed to venture or take risks
Ex: audacious visions of the total conquest of space
Related wordsVenturesome - Saahasika Samrabhamaaya (സാഹസിക സംരഭമായ)
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