adulterated meaning in marathi

Word: adulterated
Meaning of adulterated in english - debased or dirty

Meanings in marathi :

kadival ( कडिवळ )
Synonyms of adulterated
tainted weakened diluted mixed deteriorated defiled corrupt impaired degraded attenuated blended polluted dissolved depreciated thinned vitiated devalued contaminated
Antonyms of adulterated
honorable moral virtuous clean pure strong
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
adulteratedadultereradulterous manadulterous womanadvance paymentadvance runneradvancingadversityadulterousadulteryadvancementadverseadviceaffected by illusionaffectionate playadvocacyadvocateaffairsaeonaffectionaffix of emphasis certainty exactness etcaffix to personal namesaffectedaffectionateafflicted and miserableafflicted by sorrowafraid of separationaffectionatelyafflictedaffliction