aggregation meaning in marathi

Word: aggregation
Meaning of aggregation in english - collection

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
samaao ( समाओ )
Synonyms of aggregation
aggregate gathering
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
agreement of ideasagricultural implement made of ironagricultural landagricultureaggregateagitatedagitatingalarmagonyagreementagriculturalistaheadalasalcoholic drink made of the sap of a palm treeall aroundall beings or the five elements collectivelyall day longalchemistalchemyalertall deities except the supreme god collectivelyall eight three-hour watches of the dayall fiveall four vedasalikealiveall moving and stationary thingsall nineall over the bodyall over the house