another name for cakradharas devotee lākhāïse by caste meaning in marathi

Word: another name for cakradharas devotee lākhāïse by caste

Meanings in marathi :

karhaadaaauusebaai ( कऱ्हाडआउसे--बाइ )
लाखाइसाचे दुसरे नाव (उपजातीवरुन पडलेले?)
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
another name of the place āvaḍhā-nāganātha koanother sectanswerant hillanotherantagonisticanticipationantidote for poisonanvilany amountany one of the four goals of human lifeantanxietyany small gainanxiousanyanywhereappearance and disappearanceappearance of respectabilityanyoneaphorismappearanceappelation of cakradharaappelation of śivaappellation of bhaṭobāsa nāgadevaappellation of nāgadevaappellation of śivaappliance for preparing medicineapplying and removingapplying make-up jewelry etc