any meaning in marathi

Word: any
Meaning of any in english - one, some, unspecified, indiscriminate

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
bhaletesan ( भलेतेसण )
वाटेल तसे
Synonyms of any
all several either each whatever a bit a little each and every in general
Identical words :
As noun :
anywhere - bhaleteth ( भलेतेथ )
any one of the four goals of human life - purushaarth ( पुरुषार्थ )
any amount - bhaletetuk ( भलेतेतुक )
any small gain - laabhamaatr ( लाभमात्र )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
anywhereappearance and disappearanceappearance of respectabilityanyoneaphorismappearanceappelation of cakradharaappelation of śivaappellation of bhaṭobāsa nāgadevaappellation of nāgadevaappellation of śivaappliance for preparing medicineapplying and removingapplying make-up jewelry etcapplying perfumed paste and grains of rice to a persons forehead as a form of greetingapplicationappointedappointmentappraisalappreciatedapproachedappropriate sense pleasureapproachapproachableappropriate to be receivedapprovalapproximately five or sevenapsarasarbour or bower formed by vinesardent call for help