arrogance meaning in marathi

Word: arrogance
Meaning of arrogance in english - exaggerated self-opinion

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
landapan ( लंडपण )
Synonyms of arrogance
chutzpah pretension disdain hubris aloofness ego pride egotism vanity nerve pompousness self-importance gall superciliousness presumption self-love crust pretentiousness airs swagger hauteur priggishness haughtiness ostentation pomposity brass loftiness conceit cheek audacity braggadocio bluster insolence smugness imperiousness contemptuousness disdainfulness conceitedness high-handedness overbearance
Antonyms of arrogance
humility modesty shyness meekness servility timidity carefulness
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
arrogant womanarrogantarrow shaped like the head of an axearrow that misses the markarrowartarteryarticle floating along in flood waterarticle or substance used in worshiparticleartificial fruitartificial lakeartisanas a pillowas dearly as lifeartistartistryas a matter of factas followsas if deadas if not hearingas long as the moon and sun existas long as the moon and the stars existas ifas long as the sun and the moon existas long asas many asas much asas muchas opposed to