article meaning in marathi

Word: article
Meaning of article in english - item, object, piece of writing, section of document

Meanings in marathi :

jinas ( जीनस )
padaarth ( पदार्थ )
Synonyms of article
substance commodity thing thingamajig unit gizmo thingamabob dojigger essay story column feature paper editorial commentary treatise beat discourse scoop theme spread exposition composition blurb write-up think piece chapter clause detail passage provision division head point element matter portion part branch heading
Identical words :
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
artificial fruitartificial lakeartisanas a pillowas dearly as lifeartistartistryas a matter of factas followsas if deadas if not hearingas long as the moon and sun existas long as the moon and the stars existas ifas long as the sun and the moon existas long asas many asas much asas muchas opposed toas prescribedas small as an atomas vast as the skyasafoetidaascending and descending musical notesascetic member of the mahānubhāva sectascetic of the highest orderascetic used derogatorilyascetic used derogatorlyascetic who eats only a half or a third of a meal at a time