ashamed meaning in marathi

Word: ashamed
Meaning of ashamed in english - regretting, remorseful

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
aavevast ( आवेवस्त )
Synonyms of ashamed
bashful hesitant distressed apologetic humble guilty regretful humiliated embarrassed repentant contrite shy distraught sorry reluctant abashed blushing conscience-stricken crestfallen debased disconcerted meek muddled penitent shamed shamefaced sheepish submissive compunctious stammering stuttering humbled chagrined demeaned discomfited flustered
Antonyms of ashamed
confident glad joyful unrepentant defiant immodest shameless calm happy bold unself-conscious unshy not sorry unregretful
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
ashamedaspirantassemblageassembly hallassembly of select peopleashesasideasleepaspirationassembly of the learnedassigned taskassigned workassassisting a woman in childbirthassisting at the birth of a childassociation with a worthy personassaultassemblyassuming a body at willassurance of safetyastonishing storyastringent extract obtained from catechuastrologerassistanceassuranceastonishmentastrologyat a distanceat a stretchassured