at random meaning in marathi

Word: at random
Meaning of at random in english - anyhow, blindly, chance, helter-skelter, occasionally, hit or miss

Meanings in marathi :

As adverb :
bhalenteutaabhaleteuten ( भलेंतेउता-भलेतेउतें )
वाटेल तेथे
Synonyms of at random
anyway about any which way around haphazard haphazardly however nevertheless random regardless willy-nilly at any rate in any case in any respect in any way in either way in one way or another in whatever way randomly under any circumstances whatever happens frantically madly wildly instinctively confusedly pell-mell indiscriminately aimlessly in all directions purposelessly incidental contingent adventitious casual fluky fortuitous fortunate happy inadvertent lucky odd offhand unforeseen unintentional unplanned unlooked for headlong jumbled disorderly hastily hit-or-miss hotfoot impetuously irregular muddled rashly recklessly topsy-turvy tumultous/tumultuous cluttered higgledy-piggledy anywise hurriedly in confusion incautiously incontinently unmindfully seldom sometimes infrequently sporadically hardly periodically at times from time to time irregularly once in a while uncommonly at intervals every so often now and again on occasion once in a blue moon once or twice
Antonyms of at random
carefully cautiously purposely reasonably sensibly considerately planned understood designed foreseeable methodical organized straight systematic always constantly frequently steadily usually
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
at one timeat presentat the moment of departureat the moment ofat the proper timeat the time ofatheistatom but according to a commentaryat randomat the same timeatonementattached to the deity caitanya or māyāatatomattachment but koattack by a band of robbersattack by an enemy armyattached toattachedattachmentattack in darknessattackattainedattaining godattainingattainmentattendant who brings flowers to a deityattendant who serves waterattendants and escortsattention