at the same time meaning in marathi

Word: at the same time
Meaning of at the same time in english - meantime, simultaneous, when, while

Meanings in marathi :

tevichi ( तेविचि )
Synonyms of at the same time
interim interruption interval meanwhile recess simultaneously concurrently interregnum for now for the duration for the moment for then in the interim in the interval in the meanwhile accompanying agreeing coeval coincident contemporary dead heat synchronous coetaneous coexistent contemporaneous synchronic coexisting coinciding concurring in sync synchronal with the beat albeit although during whereas howbeit immediately upon just after just as much as during the time in the time throughout the time
Antonyms of at the same time
divided following preceding different separate
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
atom but according to a commentaryat randomat the same timeatonementattached to the deity caitanya or māyāatatomattachment but koattack by a band of robbersattack by an enemy armyattached toattachedattachmentattack in darknessattackattainedattaining godattainingattainmentattendant who brings flowers to a deityattendant who serves waterattendants and escortsattentionattentive observationattendantattentive watchingattentiveattitude of serviceattraction obtained through the knowledge given by the deity māyāattentively