auspicious moment at which to perform or start a ritual or an undertaking meaning in marathi

Word: auspicious moment at which to perform or start a ritual or an undertaking

Meanings in marathi :

muhurt ( मुहूर्त )
पूर्वनियोजित शुभ काळ
Marathi to English
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Related English Marathi Meaning
auspicious musical instrumentauspicious timeauspiciousausterities in yogaauthoritative possessor and a locusautumn as a womanavariciousavoiding deathawedautomaticautomaticallyaxle of a chariotayurvedic doctoraśoka treebaby birdautumnavailableaversionbaby deerbaby elephantbaby fatbabys bonnetback and a stomachavoidingawakeawakeningawayback toothback verandaawe