balarāma kṛṣṇas brother meaning in marathi

Word: balarāma kṛṣṇas brother

Meanings in marathi :

shankarkhan ( शंकर्खण )
(कुष्णबंधू) बलराम
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
baitballadbamboo stickbalancebalconybamboo treeband made of hemp fibreband of robbersbangle indicating the auspicious state of a married unwidowed womanballbandbanishedbanishmentbanditbangingbanglebank draftbank of a riverbanner bearing the image of an eaglebanyan saplingbanyan treebannerbanquetbar on a doorbarbarberbarbers bagbarbers tool bagbard who praises the lineage of a king etcbard who sings early morning songs