band meaning in marathi
Word: band
Meaning of band in english - something which encircles, group of people with same interest, musical group, group or join group
Meaning of band in english - something which encircles, group of people with same interest, musical group, group or join group
Synonyms of band
line tape ring chain hoop binding strap harness strip braid truss ribbon belt manacle ligature fillet shackle tie cord string stay link bandage cable rope circuit sash scarf bond snood copula bandeau gathering corps club company troop collection crew gang party troupe bunch body bevy menagerie horde assembly coterie society covey outfit cluster clique association symphony orchestra ensemble philharmonic combo consolidate league conjoin federate unite amalgamate merge combine team affiliate allyAntonyms of band
whole individual one disjoin disperse divide part Identical words :
band of robbers - chorakul ( चोरकुळ )
band made of hemp fibre - taagaabandh ( तागाबंध )
band made of hemp fibre - taagaabandh ( तागाबंध )
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