beam of a ceiling meaning in marathi

Word: beam of a ceiling

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
dand ( दंड )
baahe ( बाहे )
tulai ( तुळई )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
beadbeam of a ceilingbeardbearing designsbearing fruit and flowersbearing fruit instantlybearing the name such and suchbeating of the windbearbeating on all four sidesbeatitudebeautiful women of the padminī typebeautybearerbeatingbecause of being pleasedbecause of māyābecause of previous meritorious deedsbecoming a disciplebecoming a renouncerbecoming twice as greatbed consisting of a wooden frame with strips of cloth woven across itbeautifulbecause ofbed coverbed made of swan feathersbed of blissbed prepared for planting seedlingsbecomebed with a canopy