beating meaning in marathi

Word: beating
Meaning of beating in english - thrashing

Meanings in marathi :

As transitive verb :
maarane ( मारणे )
maaraamaar ( मारामार )
Synonyms of beating
drubbing whipping slaughter defeat annihilation bashing rout trouncing
Antonyms of beating
victory win
Identical words :
beating on all four sides - chaurangi ghaao ( चौरंगी घाओ )
beating of the wind - vaataaghaat ( वाताघात )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
beautybearerbeatingbecause of being pleasedbecause of māyābecause of previous meritorious deedsbecoming a disciplebecoming a renouncerbecoming twice as greatbed consisting of a wooden frame with strips of cloth woven across itbeautifulbecause ofbed coverbed made of swan feathersbed of blissbed prepared for planting seedlingsbecomebed with a canopybed with a mattressbed with a silk coverbeddingbedroom servantbedroom where one is happybedstead and a mattressbee trapped in a budbees waxbefallenbedbegging bag or satchelbegging bowl made out of an earthen pot