boar meaning in marathi

Word: boar
Meaning of boar in english - hog, pig, swine, elephant

Meanings in marathi :

krod ( क्रोड )
Synonyms of boar
sow piglet razorback shoat porker piggy warthog cob roller oinker porky peccary wild boar beast brute pachyderm mammoth tusker
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
bodily contact pleasureblowbodily formbodily movement in dancingbodily serviceboarboatbodicebodilessbodilybody and housebody and mindbody as well-shaped as that of a swanbody created and pervaded by māyābody hairbody heatbody mind and soulbody taken over by a soul in order to suffer miseries after deathbodyguardbogeyboiled riceboiled sugarcane juiceboiling hot oilbodyboiling water or water that is being brought to a boilboilboiling waterboilingboisterous personboisterous