bodiless meaning in marathi

Word: bodiless
Meaning of bodiless in english - incorporeal

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
nirhaang ( निऱ्हांग )
Synonyms of bodiless
disembodied immaterial insubstantial metaphysical spiritual unbodied unsubstantial discarnate discorporate
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
boarboatbodicebodilessbodilybody and housebody and mindbody as well-shaped as that of a swanbody created and pervaded by māyābody hairbody heatbody mind and soulbody taken over by a soul in order to suffer miseries after deathbodyguardbogeyboiled riceboiled sugarcane juiceboiling hot oilbodyboiling water or water that is being brought to a boilboilboiling waterboilingboisterous personboisterousbold atheistboldbolt of lightning and thunderbolt of lightningboldness