by the upper way meaning in marathi

Word: by the upper way

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
varata ( वरटा )
वरच्या बाजूने
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
by the way of wordsby the will of godby the wrong wayby turnby various pathsby virtue of ones birthby way of excessbywaybābhul seedbycagecake made by thickening a decoction of dāru-haḷaḍa a medicinal plantcake made of coarsely ground wheat flourcakradharacakradharas philosophical teachingscakravāka bird the indian cranecalamitycalfcalico printingcall for helpcall in the goṇḍī language but kocalledcalicocalluscalumnycamel and a horse for the story see mone 1927 p 88camelcamp of nomadic peoplecamphor merchantcamphor