camp of nomadic people meaning in marathi

Word: camp of nomadic people

Meanings in marathi :

paali ( पाळी )
तात्पुरती वस्ती
भटके लोक राहतात ते पालांचे गाव
तळ्याची पाळ
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
camphorcamping placecamping togethercallcane stickcampcanalcandidcanopycanyoncanecap and a coatcap that reaches down to the earscapcapability to do somethingcapabilitycapacity but kocapacity but wcapriciouscapātīcarbunclecardamomcare to preservecapitalcarecareful examinationcareless spendingcarefreecarefullycaress