cap meaning in marathi

Word: cap
Meaning of cap in english - small hat, outdo a performance

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
toparen ( टोपरें )
tipi ( टोपी )
Synonyms of cap
bonnet beret beanie pillbox skullcap DINK tam fez tam o'shanter exceed finish complete beat cover clinch wrap up crown surpass eclipse transcend trump top excel better outshine can outstrip surmount crest best cob button down button up do to a T put the lid on
Antonyms of cap
ignore disregard surrender fail fall behind begin introduce start forget lose
Identical words :
As noun :
capability - paatrata ( पात्रता )
capital - sãvasara ( संवसरा )
As adjective :
capricious - chaalak ( चाळक )
cap and a coat - aangitoparen ( आंगीटोपरें )
capability to do something - krityapan ( कृत्यपण )
capacity but w - taaki ( टाकी )
cap that reaches down to the ears - toparen ( टोपरें )
capātī - paatipaanti ( पाती-पांती )
capacity but ko - yaavaanka ( यावांका )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
capability to do somethingcapabilitycapacity but kocapacity but wcapriciouscapātīcarbunclecardamomcare to preservecapitalcarecareful examinationcareless spendingcarefreecarefullycaresscaressingcarpenters chiselcarpetcaretakercarpentercarpingcarved or embossed ornamentcarved pillarcarved statue of a deitycarved stonecarvedcast in a mouldcast or turn of dicecasket