censure meaning in marathi

Word: censure
Meaning of censure in english - severe criticism, condemn, criticize severely

Meanings in marathi :

durvaad ( दुर्वाद )
Synonyms of censure
condemnation rebuke reprimand obloquy castigation reprehension stricture admonition disapproval blame objection remonstrance reproof admonishment reproach dressing down discipline castigate chastise scold denounce chide berate rebuff disapprove asperse incriminate reprove ostracize reprehend attack lecture backbite cavil impugn denigrate upbraid judge knock remonstrate deprecate contemn abuse disparage cut up tell off animadvert carp at exprobate find fault with get after look askance pick apart pull apart read out take to task
Antonyms of censure
praise compliment encouragement endorsement ratification recommendation agreement approval acceptance sanction laud forgive protect cherish permit flatter approve defend
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
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