churning meaning in marathi

Word: churning
Meaning of churning in english - mix up, beat

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
mathan ( मथन )
ghusalan ( घुसळण )
Synonyms of churning
swirl bubble simmer boil froth convulse foam jolt agitate seethe toss ferment moil
Identical words :
churning rod - maathula ( माथुला )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
circle dance performed by a group of young girls in honour of a goddesscircular cavity made in a serving of rice to contain the liquid poured over itcirclecircularcircumambulationcitizenscitizencitragupta who keeps an account of human deedscitroncity imagined in the shapes of cloudscivet catclamourclanclapping of handsclapping the handsclarified butterclappingclarificationclarityclassical singingclassification of rāgas according to which notes of the scale they excludeclassification of types of faithclaw and a wingclay statueclay water potcleanclatterclawcleaning and sprinklingcleaning or clearing out