circular meaning in marathi

Word: circular
Meaning of circular in english - going around, handbill

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
vaataulen ( वाटौळें )
Synonyms of circular
oblique indirect rounded annular spheroid circinate circling disklike orbicular ring-shaped insert notice literature publication poster handout leaflet pamphlet flyer advertisement booklet brochure broadside
Identical words :
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
circumambulationcitizenscitizencitragupta who keeps an account of human deedscitroncity imagined in the shapes of cloudscivet catclamourclanclapping of handsclapping the handsclarified butterclappingclarificationclarityclassical singingclassification of rāgas according to which notes of the scale they excludeclassification of types of faithclaw and a wingclay statueclay water potcleanclatterclawcleaning and sprinklingcleaning or clearing outcleaning the teethcleaning upcleansedcleansing aromatic paste