clodhopper lit one who uses a tutā meaning in marathi

Word: clodhopper lit one who uses a tutā

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
tutekaar ( तुतेकार )
तुता चालविणारा
अडाणी मनुष्य
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
clodclose relativeclose woman friendcloseclosed doorclogclosely wovencloselyclosenessclosing and opening of the eyescloth bagcloth ceilingcloth coverclosingcloth dabber used in frying pancakescloth figure stuffed with grasscloth for straining watercloth held up between the bride and the bridegroom during a weddingcloth just large enough to cover the elbows and the knees when one is squattingcloth made from haircloth made of lotus blossomscloth on which to wipe ones feetcloth pad on which to rest a churncloth rolled over a pipe or tubecloth screen separating the bride and bridegroom during a wedding ceremonycloth spread on the ground for dignitaries to walk uponcloth padcloth worn over the headcloth worn while bathingclothed