collapsing meaning in marathi

Word: collapsing

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
varipadaten ( वरिपडतें )
वरून खाली कोसळणारें
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
coldcollection of images of deitiescollection of many different kinds of knowledgecollection of the sayings of nāgadevcollection of weaponscollective soundcollective vigilcollyrium with magical qualitiescollectioncollisioncolocynthcoloured robecolourfulcombination of the five elementscomely form or shapecollectivelycollyriumcolonycometcomfortable conveyancecomical gesturescolourcoloured objectcolouredcolourlesscoming and goingcoming from a long distancecoming from such-and-such a placecoming togethercommand