collectively meaning in marathi

Word: collectively
Meaning of collectively in english - altogether, bodily, jointly, en masse, unanimously, synchronously

Meanings in marathi :

As adverb :
samuchaakaaren ( समुचाकारें )
Synonyms of collectively
generally all told all in all all things considered by and large conjointly everything considered everything included for the most part in sum in toto on the whole taken together absolutely completely entirely fully wholly as a body as a group simultaneously mutually accordingly agreeably alike combined hand in glove hand in hand inextricably intimately side by side similarly concurrently cooperatively unitedly arm in arm coincidentally companionably concomitantly connectedly harmoniously in a group in common in company with in concert in conjunction in league in partnership in unison inseparably reciprocally synchronically with one another closely commonly all together as one at one fell swoop concertedly contemporaneously in a body in cooperation in one breath in sync on the beat with one accord with one voice with the beat ensemble all at once as a whole communally en bloc in chorus consistently in agreement popularly universally agreeingly concorantly consensually nem con nemine contradicente undisputedly
Antonyms of collectively
partly incompletely singly apart individually separately differently divergently
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
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