comely form or shape meaning in marathi

Word: comely form or shape

Meanings in marathi :

aao ( आओ )
डौलदार आकार
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
coming and goingcoming from a long distancecoming from such-and-such a placecoming togethercommandcoltcolumncombinationcommentary explaining the hidden meaning of a textcommentary on a series of philosophical aphorismscommon seatcommonerscommunity of professionalscompanion who is a thiefcomparingcomfortablecommentarycomparison with the suncompassion arising from losscompassoncommentatorcommotioncommunitycompetence to impart spiritual knowledgecompetentlycompetingcompanioncompanionscompanionshipcompetitively