conciliation meaning in marathi

Word: conciliation
Meaning of conciliation in english - reconciliation

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
saamopaay ( सामोपाय )
साममार्गाची योजना, उपाय
Synonyms of conciliation
appeasement rapprochement resolution reunion reconcilement propitiation
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
concernconchcondition near deathcondolenceconfidentlycondensationcondensedconditionconfined stateconfirmedconflagration in a forestconfoundedconfrontingconflictconfluenceconfused state of mindconjurerconnoisseur arjunaconnoisseur of artconnoisseur of beautyconfusedconglomerationconjunctionconnoisseur of gemsconqueror of the worldconsciousness of having knowledgeconsciousness of so ham or identity with brahmanconfusionconnectionconsciousness of the body