connection meaning in marathi

Word: connection
Meaning of connection in english - person who aids another in achieving goal, something that connects, links, something that communicates, relates

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
laagaavali ( लागावळी )
sambandh ( संबंध )
Synonyms of connection
contact relation network acquaintance associate mentor kindred go-between agent relative sponsor messenger association reciprocity ally intermediary friend kinship hookup affiliation attachment tie conjunction linkage tie-up alliance coupling combination union tie-in juncture joint seam fastening bond joining conjointment partnerhip relationship communication partnership application correlation correspondence bearing togetherness intercourse commerce nexus marriage relevance affinity
Antonyms of connection
stranger antagonist enemy foe opponent gap disconnection opening divorce antagonism disunion separation
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
conjunctionconnoisseur of gemsconqueror of the worldconsciousness of having knowledgeconsciousness of so ham or identity with brahmanconfusionconnectionconsciousness of the bodyconnoisseurconsciousness of the selfconsciousnessconsentconsisting of three syllablesconsisting of two personsconsciousconsisting only of chaffconstant ponderingconstant thought about somethingconstituent syllable of a mantra that serves to evoke a deityconstantconstructed of masonrycontact with a divine incarnationcontact with firecontact with god arising from service performed to himconstantlyconstellationconsternationcontainer for watercontaining cinnamoncontaining impurities