constituent syllable of a mantra that serves to evoke a deity meaning in marathi

Word: constituent syllable of a mantra that serves to evoke a deity

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
bijaakshar ( बीजाक्षर )
बीजमंत्राचे अक्षर
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
contact with god arising from service performed to himconstantlyconstellationconsternationcontainer for watercontaining cinnamoncontaining impuritiescontaining the substance of somethingconstructioncontemplationcontemporarycontentedcontinued existencecontactcontemptiblecontinuitycontinuous flow of incomecontinuous pouring of water over something or someonecontentmentcontiguouscontinuous rain and windcontinuous rain for seven dayscontinuous rainfallcontinuously flowing or runningcontractioncontrol over sensual pleasurecontrolling the mindconvergenceconversation about matters irrelevant to the religious lifeconvulsion brought on by snake bite