cup that sinks in water to indicate the moment for an auspicious ceremony meaning in marathi

Word: cup that sinks in water to indicate the moment for an auspicious ceremony

Meanings in marathi :

laginaghatika ( लगिनघटिका )
Marathi to English
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Related English Marathi Meaning
curling up like a dogcurling up ones bodycrushingcultivationcurrent of running watercurtain that serves as a room dividercurved knifecultivatorcupcurablecurved pointcustomer of a prostitutecustoms officercutting down a forestcycle of 8 400 000 livescymbals and a drumcurlycurrentcursecurtaincurvecymbals and jingling bellscātaka bird who is supposed to drink only rain watercātaka birdcāṇḍāla outcaste woman a term of abusecurvedcustodycustomarydagger-bearerdaily chores