curable meaning in marathi

Word: curable
Meaning of curable in english - able to be improved, fixed

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
sopara ( सोपरा )
(रोगातून) बरा होण्यासारखा
Synonyms of curable
amenable capable correctable corrigible healable improvable mendable not hopeless not too bad reparative restorable
Antonyms of curable
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
cultivationcurrent of running watercurtain that serves as a room dividercurved knifecultivatorcupcurablecurved pointcustomer of a prostitutecustoms officercutting down a forestcycle of 8 400 000 livescymbals and a drumcurlycurrentcursecurtaincurvecymbals and jingling bellscātaka bird who is supposed to drink only rain watercātaka birdcāṇḍāla outcaste woman a term of abusecurvedcustodycustomarydagger-bearerdaily choresdaily ration of fooddaily ritualcustom