daub of kuṅkum applied to a kings forehead at his coronation meaning in marathi

Word: daub of kuṅkum applied to a kings forehead at his coronation

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
sesachauk ( सेसचौक )
सिंहासनावर बसून भरलेला मळवट
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Related English Marathi Meaning
dancerdaringday of the weekday on which certain activities are not to be undertakendarknessdashingdaubdays and nightsdead beingdead bodydead person appearing as his shadowdeadly poison supposed to have emerged at the churning of the oceandatedaughterdawndawningday and nightday by daydeadly situation literally the forest of the god of deathdealer in banglesdaydaybreakdealer in moneydear but kodear frienddear to kāmadaytimedeadly poisondeafdear wife