deserted meaning in marathi

Word: deserted
Meaning of deserted in english - abandoned, unoccupied

Meanings in marathi :

As noun :
vos ( वोस )
Synonyms of deserted
desolate uninhabited forlorn vacant neglected isolated lonely barren derelict empty bare forsaken left bereft cast off godforsaken solitary uncouth relinquished left in the lurch
Antonyms of deserted
used cheerful pleased inhabited filled productive crowded populous populated happy full
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
desire for sexdesirelessnessdesirous of liberationdesirous of material gaindeserteddesiredesirelessdesirous of ones own well-beingdesirous of sensual pleasuredesirous of sexdesirous of the otherworldlydesirous of worldly gaindesirous onedesirousdespicabledestinydestitutiondestroyerdesolatedestinationdestroying rebirthdestructibilitydestructibledestruction of the progeny of demonsdestructiondestructive evil spiritdestructive of demonsdestructive of ignorancedestructivedetailed account