desirous meaning in marathi

Word: desirous
Meaning of desirous in english - aspiring, hopeful

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
haavabhaavi ( हावभावी )
Synonyms of desirous
wishful acquisitive ambitious amorous anxious avid covetous craving desiring eager enthusiastic grasping greedy hot itchy keen longing lustful passionate ready stimulated willing wishing yearning prehensile
Antonyms of desirous
reluctant unambitious unenthusiastic
Identical words :
desirous of the otherworldly - adrishtaarthiya ( अद्रिष्टार्थीया )
desirous of sex - abhilaakhi ( अभिळाखी )
desirous of material gain - drishtaarthiya ( दृष्टार्थीया )
desirous one - kaamita ( कामिता )
desirous of worldly gain - drishtaarthiya ( द्रिष्टार्थीया )
desirous of liberation - muktalag ( मुक्तलग )
desirous of sensual pleasure - vishayaarthiya ( विषयार्थिया )
desirous of ones own well-being - shriyaskaar ( श्रीयस्कार )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
despicabledestinydestitutiondestroyerdesolatedestinationdestroying rebirthdestructibilitydestructibledestruction of the progeny of demonsdestructiondestructive evil spiritdestructive of demonsdestructive of ignorancedestructivedetailed accountdetailed informationdetailsdestructivenessdetacheddetermining an auspicious daydeviatingdeviationdetachmentdetourdevastateddevice for boiling drugs tied up in a cloth cf vāgbhaṭa rrs 93-4device used in preparing ayurvedic medicine cf vāgbhaṭa rrs 93-4devoid of desiredevoid of devotion and knowledge