devotion for or worship of god meaning in marathi

Word: devotion for or worship of god

Meanings in marathi :

devadharm ( देवधर्म )
पूजाअर्चा इ.
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Related English Marathi Meaning
devotion to a goddevotiondevotional infatuationdevouring timedevouring voraciouslydeśīnāma 412dharma as a branch of a treedhoti or a sārīdhotidevouringdhotï or a sārīdialect of marāṭhīdialecticiandialoguediamond minediamond with hexagonal facetsdiarrheadiarrhoea but kodidactic religious textdietary restrictions to cure chillsdifferencediamonddiedifficult dangerous placedifficult mountain to crossdifficult situationdietdifferentlydifficult to attaindifficult to fill