display meaning in marathi

Word: display
Meaning of display in english - public showing, spectacle, show for public viewing, effect

Meanings in marathi :

chirani ( चिरणी )
Synonyms of display
exhibit parade demonstration act array presentation example unfolding dash pretension affectation fanfare splurge layout exposure revelation arrangement spread splash exposition exhibition scheme blaze pomp frippery ostentation manifestation front pedantry flourish vanity shine sample pageant pretentiousness splendor panorama frame-up ostentatiousness bravura showboat arrayal for show grandstand play reveal boast represent perform emblazon flash feature publish unveil flaunt disclose demonstrate advertise promote open expose illustrate unfurl evidence evince bare vamp sport brandish glaze unroll betray impart extend unmask expand promulgate uncover model lay out show off trot out showcase bring to view lay bare make clear make known open out set out spread out
Antonyms of display
concealment simplicity modesty hiding dullness plainness hide refrain withhold abridge lessen shorten cover keep contract lower shrink
Identical words :
display of lights - dipaavali ( दीपावळी )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
divided in twodivided into four partsdivine female powerdisguisedishevelleddishonestdisgustdiskdismaldivine gracedishdismissaldivine incarnation who has both types of power śakti para and avaradisobedientdisorganizeddispassiondispassionatedivine incarnations play with inanimate objectsdivine knowledgedivine lustredivine miracledisplaydisrespectfuldivine musiciandivine persondivine power to create illusiondisputedissatisfactiondivine powersdivine qualities