distinct meaning in marathi

Word: distinct
Meaning of distinct in english - apparent, obvious, different, unconnected

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
prathak ( प्रथक )
bhinn ( भिन्न )
Synonyms of distinct
specific definite noticeable unmistakable audible categorical clean-cut clear clear-cut decided evident explicit express incisive lucid manifest marked palatable patent perspicuous plain prescribed sharp transparent trenchant unambiguous unequivocal well-defined recognizable enunciated sharp-cut offbeat dissimilar disparate separate distinctive discrete diverse various particular unique peculiar special divergent detached especial individual separated several single sole unattached disunited poles apart
Antonyms of distinct
indefinite uncertain vague indistinct ambiguous connected like resembling similar obscure fuzzy hazy undefined usual alike combined joined standard unimportant commonplace normal equal same general uniform
Identical words :
As noun :
distinction - sinen ( सिनें )
distinctness - phudepan ( फुडेपण )
As adjective :
distinctive - vilakshan ( विलक्षण )
distinctive mark made on an object - dhaama ( धामा )
distinctly - phaadovaadaanden ( फाडोवाडां--डें )
distinctiveness - vilakshanata ( विलक्षणता )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
disorganizeddispassiondispassionatedivine incarnations play with inanimate objectsdivine knowledgedivine lustredivine miracledisplaydisrespectfuldivine musiciandivine persondivine power to create illusiondisputedissatisfactiondivine powersdivine qualitiesdistancedistantdistillerydivine speechdivine wordsdivinediving into water with ones body straight like a pestledistinctdnm 735do not be afraiddoctor who prescribes herbal medicinesdoedistinctiondistinctive