door-frame with three sides and no threshhold meaning in marathi

Word: door-frame with three sides and no threshhold

Meanings in marathi :

trisaankaku ( त्रिसांक--कु )
तीन बाजूंची, उंबरठा नसलेली दाराची चौकट
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
divisiondogdoubterdogmatismdoubtlesslydown and updownpour of raindownpourdownwarddolldomestic shrinedominationdp 53dragged forciblydrain for muddrain to carry off rain waterdrain with a mouth like a parrots beakdonationdonkeydonordoordrainagedoorkeeperdoorwaydramatic dancingdramatic roledraw-welldrawing attention to the source of a sound but keśirāj dṛṣṭānta-stotradoubledrawing in coloured powders of an eight-petalled lotus