dread meaning in marathi

Word: dread
Meaning of dread in english - horrible, terrifying, fear, anticipate with horror

Meanings in marathi :

dhaak ( धाक )
Synonyms of dread
alarming frightening awe-inspiring awful creepy dire frightful terrible shuddersome dismay phobia consternation apprehension trepidation terror panic affright jitters aversion funk cold feet goose bumps stage fright creeps worriment trepidity apprehend tremble quake cringe misdoubt be afraid have cold feet
Antonyms of dread
pleasant pleasing wonderful welcomed happiness calm calmness contentment bravery courage encouragement confidence want welcoming
Identical words :
As adjective :
dreadful - bhayaasur ( भयासुर )
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
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