dusty meaning in marathi

Word: dusty
Meaning of dusty in english - filled with or covered with powdery particles

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
dhuusaraang ( धूसरांग )
धुळीने भरलेले
Synonyms of dusty
chalky dirty sandy crumbly friable grubby sooty unclean untouched granular arenaceous arenose undusted
Antonyms of dusty
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
dutydwarfdwarfeddwellerdwelling on earthdwelling place within a temple compounddwelling togetherdye made from myrobalan fruitdying but kodynasty of kingsdwelling placedwellingdyedyingdyspepticeach ones owndysenteryeach oneeach other b 1 b each othereacheager desireeager to fighteagerly longingeagereagernessear of grainear of wheatear with a lobe like a conchearlier