dyspeptic meaning in marathi

Word: dyspeptic
Meaning of dyspeptic in english - crabby

Meanings in marathi :

As adjective :
aruchi ( अरुची )
तोंडाला अन्नाची चव नसणारा
Synonyms of dyspeptic
mean grouchy irritable
Marathi to English
English To Marathi
Related English Marathi Meaning
dysenteryeach oneeach other b 1 b each othereacheager desireeager to fighteagerly longingeagereagernessear of grainear of wheatear with a lobe like a conchearlierearly cropeagleearly eveningearly morning but ko prabalaearly morning but r on timeearly morningearmarkedearning moneyearring in the shape of śivas bull nandīearring worn by menearth or mud stuck to the blade of a ploughearthen griddleearearthen pot for churning curdsearthen pot for storing water or grainearthly music